Hose Reels

A hose reel implements a design that rolls an entire garden hose onto a spindle to keep it neatly coiled and off the ground. The most common and affordable style of hose reel operates by a hand crank to wrap up the hose.

0.53 0.53 USD
0.98 0.98 USD
274.15 274.15000000000003 USD
Price against Inquiry 0.0 USD
4.63 4.63 USD
Price against Inquiry 0.0 USD
Price against Inquiry 0.0 USD
SS 63mm MI x 19mm Shank Reducer

Stainless Steel 63mm MI x 19mm Shank Reducer
5.03 5.03 USD
Price against Inquiry 0.0 USD
Price against Inquiry 0.0 USD